
LaborEdge and Sense: A Partnership to Revolutionize Healthcare Staffing
LaborEdge and Sense: A Partnership to Revolutionize Healthcare Staffing

LaborEdge and Sense: A Partnership to Revolutionize Healthcare Staffing

SENSE FOR HEALTHCARE: Taking care of the nation's critical caregivers

The suite of tools the recruiting industry needs to drive engagement, attract talent and optimize the experience in healthcare. Automatically stay up to date with your candidate's deployments, location preferences, and job satisfaction with Sense.

Sense seamlessly integrates with your ATS for personalized and coordinated outreach to re-engage and redeploy talent—reducing your candidate acquisition costs and improving your time-to-fill. Save your team time and stay compliant by automating critical workflows like credential expirations, placement paperwork, and remote on-boarding documentation.

Monitor talent satisfaction to improve engagement and retention

By combining data across your ATS and Sense, uncover hidden obstacles to talent and manager satisfaction and optimize your strategy. Identify gaps and improve key performance metrics like offer-to-start rates, redeployment, retention, fill rates and more!

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